Drop-off & Pick-up

Morning drop-off procedures
Turn onto Menlo Drive and turn right into the school parking lot.
All drivers must use the single-file drop-off lane, whether they are dropping off or parking in the student/visitor parking.
Please pull all the way forward to the front of the line to keep traffic flowing. This allows us to get as many cars off Menlo as possible.
Please exit to the passenger side of the car if at all possible. Please say your goodbyes, give last minute reminders, hugs etc. prior to drop off. Efficient student exit of the vehicles will be the key to an efficient drop off procedure. The small parts add up to the whole – thank you for your cooperation!
At the end of the drop off line, turn left to follow cars toward the parking lot exit. Please turn right out of the driveway and use the cul-de-sac to return to Menlo Drive.
Student drivers will proceed with caution and continue past the drop-off line to student parking directly behind the back of the school gym.
Students may enter through the main office or at the back of the building into our gym area.
Please encourage your student to watch for you and to quickly and cautiously proceed to the waiting car.
Students are to wait on campus in our drop off /pick up area. They are not to wait on campus at the corner of Menlo and Atherton or cross the street towards waiting cars along the PCOE curb. If you meet them off campus, they need to walk completely off campus past the PCOE parking lot or in the open space next to our Drivers are to park before the edge of our campus boundaries or past the PCOE driveway on Atherton.
Arriving too early will back up traffic. Please consider parking in the back lot on campus for an effective meeting place. Cars mustn't wait at the curb along Menlo next to the PCOE parking lot. For student safety, crossing the unmarked street is a safety hazard to children.
No temporary or visitor parking in the staff parking This will avoid needing to back-up in the exit route.
Please do not have your student cross Menlo on foot. Have them use the sidewalk around the cul-de-sac.
Students riding bikes or skateboards must walk their bike or skateboard to the bike rack while on campus.
Please set a positive example for our students and do not use a cell phone to talk or Your close attention to safety will keep accidents from happening.
Take advantage of the many parking spots available on campus in the back. In doing so, your student can walk safely towards the back by student drop off and pick up area to meet you.
Please do not drop off before the drop-off area. In only takes one incompliance to invite others to do the same. The drop off line is available to ensure student safety.
- Dropping off students on Menlo out of respect for the other businesses in the area. Let’s be good neighbors!
- Parking on Menlo prior to the entrance of the school. This space needs to be available for our traffic patterns.
- Picking up your student on Menlo and making a u-turn to exit. Please continue through the designated traffic patterns.
- Picking up your student on Menlo and wanting to go straight in front of our driveway towards the court. Please follow the pattern through the parking lot to the exit.
- Cutting in line to take an open spot or pull around other vehicles to drop off or pick up your students.
- Getting out of the vehicle to help your student, unless you are in the back visitor parking area.
- Storing student backpacks or other items needed for school inside the trunk of your car.
- Leaving your car unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone. Please utilize the ample parking in the back visitor parking area if you need to leave your vehicle.
- Parking in undesignated areas or parking in areas designated for staff.
- Parking in the fire lane segment of the parking lot.
- Blocking access to disabled parking spaces at any time.