PSAT Testing/Hero Rallies (Click for revised schedule)
- What
- PSAT Testing/Hero Rallies (Click for revised schedule)
- When
- 10/14/2015
Monday: No School, Professional Development
Tuesday: Green Day Schedule
Wednesday: PSAT/Rally Schedule
8:25AM – 12:00PM: 8th – 11th Grade PSAT Testing
7th – Advisory
12th – William Jessup Tour
12:05-12:35PM: 7th -9th - lunch (10th -12th Advisory)
12:40-1:10PM: 10th -12th - lunch (7th -9th Advisory)
1:15-1:45PM: Advisory (All grades)
1:45-2:30PM: MS Hero Rally (HS remain in Advisory)
2:45-3:30PM: HS Hero Rally (MS return to Advisory)
The Advisory time given on this day can be an excellent opportunity for students to make up work/tests/etc.